Mothers struggle to find baby food because Joe Biden is incompetent

Mothers struggle to find baby food because Joe Biden is incompetent

Worrying that your child will go hungry is every mother’s fundamental fear. As a mother of two, I can only imagine the panic and fear that mothers across the country feel as they search store after store for baby food for their babies and find empty shelves instead. It is shameful and unacceptable that this is happening in America. Worse, it could have been prevented.

For months, the Biden administration saw shortages on the horizon. In October, a whistleblower alerted the FDA about potential problems at Abbott Nutrition, the country’s largest infant formula supplier. Abbott recalled its baby food in February before the Michigan producer was temporarily shut down. Fearing a baby food run, the FDA warned the White House of impending shortages.

But apparently, Joe Biden never got the memo or chose to ignore it. Biden claims he only learned about the baby food crisis in early April. But even if that’s true, he didn’t bother doing anything until mid-May, when stores sold out 43%. It has only gotten worse since then.

Parents and politicians slam Biden for failing to intervene in baby formula crisis | Daily Mail Online

Biden has washed his hands of this crisis, claiming it might have been averted if they had been “mindreaders.” But the Biden administration had been aware of the formula for months. They just failed to perform.

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And they still fail. When stores reported that their baby food offerings were 70% sold out, the White House took to their website — which offers no practical tools for anxious families — to brag about the “progress” they’ve made in tackling the formula crisis. . Meanwhile, mothers are desperate for formulas to feed their babies. Some even wait for tarmac for supplements flown in from abroad. But airlifting baby food from other countries is not a solution. And it’s barely enough: Europe’s first shipment of 78,000 pounds of formula for children with allergies is sufficient to feed 9,000 babies and 18,000 toddlers for a week.

Still, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden has complete confidence in his FDA Commissioner Robert Califf. That means the blame lies entirely with Biden, whether he realizes it. All this raises so many questions. Biden Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra admitted the government had known for a year that trouble was ahead – why weren’t they prepared? Did Biden know, or was he kept in the dark? And after he was made aware of the formula crisis, why did it take weeks for him to spring into action? It is not right.

It’s infuriating, but it’s exactly what you would expect from this government. Since Biden was sworn in, we’ve seen out-of-control gas prices that make everyday tasks like driving to work and school expensive. Basic groceries such as milk and eggs are getting more expensive every month, putting pressure on the household budget. For months, the government and Democrats banned children from school and forced toddlers to wear masks in class, even though the virus posed little threat to them. When students are in school, they are taught to be ashamed of being Americans, indoctrinated with sexually explicit propaganda, and told they are racist or oppressed depending on their skin color. And if you’re a concerned parent speaking out at a school board meeting, Biden’s Justice Department may treat you as a possible domestic terrorist.

The US baby food crisis sums up the Biden administration: incompetent, guilt-shifting, and indifferent. As a result, babies are hungry. If Biden thinks moms will forget about this on November 8, he’s in for a surprise.

LifeNews Note: Ronna McDaniel has been chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) since 2017. Previously, she was president of the Michigan GOP (2015-2017).