Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kroger, Amazon, JPMorgan, and Chase pay to kill babies in abortions

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kroger, Amazon, JPMorgan, and Chase pay to kill babies in abortions

Dozens of large companies have promised to give their employees money to abort their unborn babies as states are allowed to ban abortion again.

Major entertainment companies like Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, and Netflix and tech giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft are now offering abortion “benefits”, money to travel for elective abortions.

Cleveland.com reports that these companies include some of Ohio’s largest employers, which passed their heartbeat law after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday. The law bans abortion as soon as an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks gestation, and will save thousands of babies’ lives each year.

Dick's Sporting Goods offers employees, spouses $4,000 in travel expenses for abortions

However, supermarket chains Giant Eagle and Kroger both said they would start paying employees’ travel expenses to get abortions in response to the new pro-life state law, the report said.

“At Giant Eagle, we are committed to providing our team members with access to comprehensive health care, including access to reproductive care,” Giant Eagle spokesperson Jannah Jablonowski said in a statement. “We join other companies in committing to reimburse covered family members to travel between states to access family planning services.”

Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and other companies have recently pledged similar abortion travel grants.

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“As always, we are focused on the health and well-being of our employees and want to ensure equal access to all benefits,” JPMorgan Chase spokesperson Justin Page told the news channel.

Some companies promise to pay abortion travel costs if their employees have to leave the country or travel a certain distance. At the same time, Google said its employees could ask to move to another part of the country “without justification,” according to the New York City. Times.

At most companies, abortion travel fees also apply to spouses and children covered by their employees’ health insurance. This raises questions about whether the underage daughters of these employees can travel to other states for abortions without their parent’s knowledge—or be forced to do so by abusers—and whether the company will cover the costs.

A legal expert told Reuters that some of these companies might face lawsuits due to the new employee “benefit”. According to the report:

According to Robin Fretwell Wilson, a law professor at the University of Illinois, it’s probably only a matter of time before companies face lawsuits from states or anti-abortion activists alleging that payments related to abortion violate state prohibitions on facilitating or helping and encouraging abortions. And health law expert.

“If you can sue me as a person for carrying your daughter across state lines, you can use Amazon to pay for it,” Wilson said.

Most companies took their pro-abortion stance regarding “healthcare,” claiming that women need abortions to be healthy and free. For example, the medical company Johnson & Johnson called the killing of unborn babies during abortions a form of “healthcare” in a statement Friday in response to the Supreme Court ruling.

“We … believe that individuals best make healthcare decisions in consultation with their healthcare provider,” the company said.

The clothing company Levi Strauss, which has been openly pro-abortion for years, urged other companies to speak out in favor of abortion.

“Protecting reproductive rights is a critical business issue affecting our workforce, our economy, and progress toward gender and racial equality,” the company said. “Given what is at stake, business leaders need to make their voices heard.”

Don’t Ban Equality, a pro-abortion coalition of companies has a list of more than 350 companies that support abortion. Find it here.

LifeNews has also compiled a list of companies that support the killing of unborn babies through abortion based on information in recent news and press releases. They are:


Alaska Airlines



Johnson & Johnson






Levi Strauss



giant eagle



Warner Brothers

Wells Fargo

bank of America




Sales team





Vox Media



Match group



Impossible Food

Douglas Elliman


open sea


Walt Disney Company

Conde Nast



Dick’s sporting goods


Cigna Corp




JPMorgan Chase