Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Five Centers in Vermont and New Hampshire

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Five Centers in Vermont and New Hampshire

The $1 billion abortion company Planned Parenthood closed five centers in New England yesterday, citing staffing problems and politics.

The facilities are in Hyde Park, Bennington, St. Albans, Middlebury, Vermont, and Claremont, New Hampshire. And it closed another branch in Vermont earlier this year.

“When we looked at which health centers to expand and which to close, we looked at geography,” said Nicole Clegg, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood. “We looked at it remotely to make it somewhat manageable for people.”

Clegg said several of their other facilities plan to extend their opening hours and promote more “telehealth” visits. These “telehealth” appointments include an online meeting with a medical professional, rather than in person, before sending abortion or contraceptives through the mail. This is cheaper for Planned Parenthood but more dangerous for the patient. Personal care is more effective, and patients may not have a doctor on site if they suffer from emergency complications.

Fact check: Have any Planned Parenthood clinics closed since Roe?

Clegg also said “underfunding” was a problem, although it’s unclear whether she meant tax dollars, donations, or both.

Here’s more about Planned Parenthood’s new abortion business shutdowns.

However, the nonprofit says these closures will allow it to expand the number of days they operate at seven of its existing locations to four or five days a week to meet that growing demand.

The organization released a partial statement: “We believe these decisions will ensure we can continue to serve northern New England for generations to come.”

Earlier this year, lawmakers in New Hampshire voted to repeal contracts with Planned Parenthood and several other abortion groups, forcing them to unwrap more than $1 million in state taxpayer dollars. However, the Biden administration responded by giving the New Hampshire Planned Parenthood affiliate $500,000 in federal tax dollars instead.

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Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers in Vermont are trying to increase the number of abortions. Neither Vermont nor New Hampshire has many restrictions on abortion.

Planned Parenthood spokesman Eileen Sullivan told the VT Digger earlier this year that Newport’s closure was caused by “complex” issues “including difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff, low patient volume, facility needs, and financial sustainability.”

Pro-abortion groups are also concerned that the US Supreme Court will quash Roe v. Wade this summer and allow states to protect unborn babies from abortion again. However, Vermont and New Hampshire are not expected to ban or restrict abortions any time soon. In particular, the local news mentioned that Planned Parenthood expects more women from pro-life states to come to New England for abortions if Roe is destroyed — yet it closes facilities.

All of this suggests that the real reasons for the closures are a lack of public support. It is possible that donations are low, and women are likely rejecting Planned Parenthood in favor of legitimate healthcare providers. Most job seekers in America don’t want to work for the abortion industry either.

Planned Parenthood has aborted more than 8 million unborn babies since abortion became legal nationwide in 1973. The most recent annual report showed a record number of abortions in 2020: 354,871, which is about 40 percent of all abortions in the US

Meanwhile, the same report showed that many of Planned Parenthood’s health services continue decliningine. It offered fewer contraception, sterilizations, cancer screenings, referrals to adoptions, and other women’s health services than the previous year, reflecting an ongoing downward trend.

Planned Parenthood’s patient numbers have also declined steadily over the past decade amid numerous reports of allegedly unethical and illegal activities by Planned Parenthood, including the sale of aborted baby body parts, botched abortions in which women were killed, the cover-up of sexual abuse of minors, discrimination against pregnant women and ethnic minority workers, exploiting young girls by selling sex hormones and more.