New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Wants Abortions Up To Birth And Even Some Democrats Are Saying No

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Wants Abortions Up To Birth And Even Some Democrats Are Saying No

On May 16, we wrote about a true abortion fanatic – New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) – who “outlined his proposals to add to the state’s Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act’ provisions that were scrapped last year to let it pass. As if that wasn’t extremist enough, Murphy also envisions a ‘Reproductive Health Accessibility Fund’ []†

Abortion is now a front-and-center issue in N.J. gubernatorial campaign - New Jersey Globe

But a story today in the New Jersey Monitor indicates that the Democrat-controlled legislature is in doubt, especially regarding “late abortion.” The headline reads, “Governor Murphy faces Democratic roadblocks to enact new abortion policies.”

A change of heart? More likely a cold political calculation:

After losing legislation last November, which thinned the Democratic majority in the legislature to its narrowest in years, Murphy is forced to argue a caucus less adamant about abortion rights than he had at the last legislative session, making it more difficult. For him to keep his promise to sign a slew of new abortion laws into law

A group of Democrats in the Assembly that did not support the latest abortion access law could prevent a more comprehensive measure from getting enough votes for approval. Starting with Senate President Nicholas Scutari “standing in the way,” according to the New Jersey Monitor. The Union County Democrat, who determines which bills the Senate votes on, told Politico New Jersey in May that he welcomes the state’s abortion laws as they are.

The rest of the story is essentially quotes from Democrats who, while pledging their support for Roe v. Wade, were disheartened by the governor’s extreme proposals that cost them in the last election.

“Six Democrats in the Assembly, all yes votes to the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, lost to Republicans, bringing the total number of Democrats in the Assembly listed in support of the bill to 39, two less than the minimum set.” would be necessary to succeed. now.”


Mercer County Councilman Wayne DeAngelo represented those nervous Democrats. DeAngelo told the New Jersey Monitor

he supports a woman’s right to choose and wants Roe v. Wade to stand. The landmark US Supreme Court decision in 1973 legalized abortion nationwide and the court is expected to reverse it this year.

But DeAngelo said he doesn’t understand why New Jersey needs to do more than it already has on abortion rights.

‘Is this smoke and mirrors and boasting? Are we trying to make someone else look good or bad? I’d rather stick with good management.”

Stay tuned. We will update the situation in New Jersey regularly. Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in National Right to Life News Today – an online column on pro-life issues.