Last pro-life Democrat in Congress finally declared winner of Texas congressional seat

Last pro-life Democrat in Congress finally declared winner of Texas congressional seat

A final recount Tuesday confirmed US Representative Henry Cuellar, the last pro-life Democrat in the US House, as the winner of the Texas primaries against pro-abortion candidate Jessica Cisneros.

Townhall reports that the Decision Desk headquarters has announced Cuellar as the winner of the Democratic primary for Texas’s 28th congressional district. Cuellar won by 290 votes, according to his campaign.

“I’m an American, Texan, then a Democrat — in that order — and I will continue to fight for Texas values ​​and not allow coastal elites to bring their failed agenda to our communities,” Cuellar said after the recount.

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Democrats for Life of America also celebrated the pro-life Democrat’s victory.

“It was the right decision for Democrats and will keep the 28th District Blue,” the pro-life organization said in a statement. “Had she been the nominee, Jessica Cisneros would have easily lost the seat to Republicans because of her pro-abortion extremism.”

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Cuellar is the only pro-life Democrat in the US House. In September, he was the only Democrat to vote against a radical pro-abortion bill that would force states to legalize abortions for virtually any reason up to birth, even if Roe v. Wade is quashed. Cuellar also supports the Hyde amendment, bans taxpayer funding for elective abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs.

By contrast, Cisneros supports the pro-abortion law and wants to force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions.

Pro-abortion groups spent huge amounts of money to support Cisneros, but her radical pro-abortion views failed to resonate with Texas’ moderate congressional district voters. According to the Texas Observer, Cisneros’ campaign received about $3 million from outside political PACs, including the pro-abortion group Emily’s List.

This is Cuellar’s third defeat to Cisneros. The Democratic nominee will face pro-life Republican Cassy Garcia in the November general election.

Abortion was central to Cisneros’s campaign, and she received support from several pro-abortion groups, including Emily’s List, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood. She also received endorsements from several major Democrats, including US Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, US Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Pramila Jayapal, Jamaal Bowman, Katie Porter, and Ayanna Pressley.

However, some Democrats publicly and privately expressed concern that Cisneros’ radical pro-abortion agenda could lose the district to the party if it wins the primary, Politico said.

Very few Americans share her opinion. A 2021 Marist poll found that 58 percent of Americans oppose using taxpayers’ money to fund abortions in the US. In addition, 77 percent are against using taxpayers’ money to fund abortions in other countries. A 2016 Harvard/Politico poll found that most voters, including many low-income voters, oppose taxpayer-funded abortions.

Recent polls also show public support for increased legal protections for unborn babies, such as heartbeat laws and a ban on abortion after the first trimester.