Kamala Harris excluded God from her comments Monday in a meeting with faith leaders about the possible overthrow of Roe v. Wade this summer.
Breitbart reports that Harris met with a small group of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders to discuss ways to “protect reproductive rights” if the US Supreme Court allows states to protect unborn babies by banning abortion again.
“Today, I meet with faith leaders to discuss the most pressing challenges facing our communities, from protecting reproductive rights to addressing the epidemic of hate that grips our country. Faith leaders are vital to our nation right now,” the vice president wrote on Twitter.
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Although the meeting focused specifically on faith and abortion, Harris never mentioned God, according to Breitbart. Instead, she encouraged Americans to have “faith in each other, our nation, and our future” and to work together to achieve a “higher purpose.”
“I do believe — and I’ve believed this all my life — but I think, collectively, especially now, we know, we need faith. We need faith,” Harris said.
“All of you, as our faith leaders, have done an extraordinary job, especially in recent years, to remind people that they are not alone, that we are in this together, that there is a greater purpose, and that we are guided through all that we know — that that gives us a chance to shine a light amid dark moments and dark days,” she continued.
The vice president spoke to faith leaders about Roe, claiming that allowing states to protect unborn babies from abortion again “would undo the principles and premise of the importance of privacy,” the report said.
Harris said the Biden administration supports “unfettered” abortion, meaning unborn babies are killed for any reason until birth, paid for by taxpayers. She also made the unfounded claim that overthrowing Roe would lead to a gay marriage and birth control ban for the foreseeable future.
“The threat to all these principles and priorities is clear and imminent,” she said.
To Harris and the pro-abortion leaders she met, the lives of unborn babies don’t matter as much as “self-determination.”
“So that conversation, in my mind, is a conversation where we also need to discuss whether we value the concept of self-determination — an individual’s ability to make decisions about their own life and the future of their life and the choices that directly affect will be on so many other choices,” said Harris.
In other words, a woman should be allowed to abort her unborn baby for any reason until birth; the life and future of the unborn baby do not matter.
This contradicts Christian, Jewish, and Islamic teachings on the value of human life. Around the world, leaders of all three religions are speaking out against the killing of unborn babies through abortions and encouraging people to recognize unborn babies as valuable people. Most charities that help mothers and babies in need are run by religious people motivated by their faith.
Since Roe in 1973, more than 63 million unborn babies and hundreds of mothers have died in supposedly “safe, legal” abortions. If the Supreme Court overturns the abortion decision this summer, experts predict that as many as 26 states will protect unborn babies by banning abortions.