Kamala Harris met again with abortion activists on Tuesday to discuss ways to prepare for the possible end of Roe v. Wade this summer.
Harris welcomed abortion-supporting legal and technology experts to a roundtable, signaling the Biden administration’s continued commitment to legalized abortion on demand. It is her third meeting with abortion activists since news broke in May of a leaked draft ruling that the US Supreme Court overthrows Roe and allows states to protect unborn babies from abortion again.
“I think we all believe and know that our nation is founded on certain principles that are dear to us: liberty, liberty, and self-determination,” Harris said in her opening statement. “And I believe all those principles are at stake when we look at the leaked design advice on what this decision may ultimately become.”
A White House spokesperson told The Hill that the focus of the meeting was on the practical impact of overthrowing Roe on issues such as privacy, birth control, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Invitees included New York University School of Law professors Peggy Cooper Davis and Melissa Murray, Harvard Law School professor Glenn Cohen, UC Irvine School of Law professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin, the University of Michigan Law School professor Leah Litman, leaders of the Brennan Center for Justice, and Ms. magazine writer Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, according to the report.
A White House official told CNN the Biden administration wants to build a strong coalition of abortion advocates to work together in response to the likely ruling.
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“What’s important to keep in mind here is that some of the vice president’s goals were focused on making sure the country’s people understand what’s at stake here,” the official said. “And that will take some work to build out who the coalition is of people affected by this, who are interested in making their voices heard.”
These gatherings also appear to attempt to draw attention to Harris, who is widely unpopular with Americans. According to CNN, “Tuesday’s event, an official told CNN, will leverage Harris’s ability to bring people from different backgrounds together to work on specific issues.”
Last week, Harris met with pro-abortion religious leaders and abortion workers in mid-May to discuss ways to keep abortion legal and available if the Supreme Court allows states to protect unborn babies from abortion again.
Harris said the Biden administration supports “unfettered” abortion, meaning unborn babies are killed for any reason until birth, paid for by taxpayers. She also made the unfounded claim that overthrowing Roe would lead to a gay marriage and birth control ban for the foreseeable future.
For Harris, the lives of unborn babies are not as important as ‘self-determination’. Harris has also claimed that aborting an unborn baby is about the “right to live and love.”
Harris’s stance on abortion is radical and unrelated to most Americans. As a former US senator, she co-sponsored a bill that would have forced states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions for almost any reason up to birth, even if Roe is destroyed, and would have forced taxpayers to pay for it. To pay.
Since Roe in 1973, more than 63 million unborn babies and hundreds of mothers have died in supposedly “safe, legal” abortions.
It looks like the Supreme Court will overturn Roe this summer after a leaked draft reveals the judges are ruling against the 1973 decision in the Mississippi Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case. If that happens, states will be allowed to protect unborn babies again, and experts predict as many as 26 wills. This would lead to hundreds of thousands of unborn babies being saved from abortion every year.