After nearly 50 long years, the U.S. Supreme Court finally overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that erroneously established a federal constitutional right to kill children in the womb. In the wake of Friday’s celebration, many wonder how the abortion industry and state lawmakers respond.
By our count, 40 abortion centers have stopped abortions or have stopped scheduling appointments at all since Friday. And more will follow by July 24, when the legal 30-day postponement for abortion restrictions or bans is met.
Expect a rapidly changing environment in the U.S. landscape in the coming days, weeks, and months. Some clues can be gleaned from a list compiled by The Susan B. Anthony List that reveals states that were either poised to protect children in the womb immediately after Roe’s overthrow or are expected to do so in the coming weeks.
Twelve states that immediately protect the lives of babies in the womb:
Alabama – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Arkansas – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Kentucky – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Louisiana – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Missouri – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Ohio – unborn children are protected as soon as their heartbeats can be detected. Oklahoma – unborn children protected during pregnancy. South Dakota – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Texas – unborn children protected during pregnancy. Pre-Roe Act and Heartbeat Act are in effect; Trigger Act comes into effect 30 days after Roe. Utah – unborn children protected during pregnancy. West Virginia – unborn children protected during pregnancy; pre-Roe law enforceable. Wisconsin – unborn children protected during pregnancy; pre-Roe law enforceable.
At least eight states are expected to introduce pro-life protections soon:
Georgia – unborn children should be protected as soon as their heartbeats can be detected. Idaho – unborn children should be protected during pregnancy, 30 days after recovery. Mississippi – Unborn children protected during pregnancy once the attorney general declares Roe has been rolled back. North Dakota – unborn children are covered during pregnancy; the attorney general has 30 days to certify. South Carolina – unborn children are protected when their heartbeat is detected once a ban is lifted. The state will file a motion in Tennessee federal court — unborn children are protected during pregnancy, 30 days after Roe’s recovery. The state has also asked for a ban on the heartbeat law to be lifted. Wyoming – unborn children protected during pregnancy, five days after attorney general declares Roe has been rolled back.
“Notably, the Roe v. Wade reversal does not affect legitimate health care,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue. “If abortion is only 3-4% of what they do, as Planned Parenthood has argued for years, why do bans and restrictions on abortion force them to close or relocate?
“Over the coming weeks and months, abortion companies will close or relocate to other states, especially along state lines and major travel routes. We will continue to monitor these closures and relocations and keep you informed.”
LifeNews Note: Anne Reed writes for Operation Rescue.